UT vs. OU
Cotton Bowl
Dallas, TX
October 2, 2010
This was our second year of RVing the State Fair during Texas -OU
weekend and it has the potential to become a tradition. We really had
a good time. Even though UT lost the game, partaking in the fair and
hanging out with good friends was a blast! I think we actually irrated
some OU fans because we had such a good time and wouldn't let the loss
impact our weekend.

We had six families in five RVs attend this year's outing....,,,yes we
doubled our size from last year. In addition, we had two new
RVs this year including a bus (which we named the "G6"....song of the weekend).
We spent a couple of weekends going through our household and
setting up for the neighborhood garage sale. All of our proceeds
were going to the purchase of food/drink and fair ride tickets.
The kids did a great job of disposing some of their outdated toys and we managed to completely fund our weekend plus some.

We'll beat them next year!